recruitment agency

5 Familiar Hiring Troubles, and How to Overcome Them

In the world of recruiting, change seems to be the only constant we can count on. The technology as we know it is changing course. These days, it is either rapidly upgrading or becoming obsolete, and unless you are super quick to follow up on everything happening in the digital-forward world, you are doomed. Still, maybe the big question is – why are we getting so surprised? 

Last year, 2018, wasn’t much different. There were several challenges to face. From using various hiring software solutions and other sophisticated tools to hiring for a large number of job openings, recruiters had to adapt to a massive wave of new recruitment innovations. Things quickly went from simple face-to-face interviews  and I’ll-trust-your-word-for-it recruiting methods to programmatic recruitment, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. A change was bound for both security reasons and quality reasons. So, are you still wondering why IT companies need technical screening? Thought so.

To that end, 2019 is all about learning from last year’s experiences and, by doing so, overcoming now-familiar hiring troubles recruiters and recruitment agencies face daily.

✅ Supercharge Your Recruitment Marketing Efforts

How recruiters find candidates on LinkedIn and social networks in general? The word is recruitment marketing. Whether it’s hiring through social networks or “the regular way,” recruitment marketing is the best method to obtain top-quality candidates. However, the hiring narrative has changed, and it is employers now who need to bust out all the stops and hope top talent will consider them. Now that hiring is focused on the employee and not the employer, companies are facing the difficulty of proving themselves worthy to the talent. The only way to do it is by establishing an attractive employer brand.

Here are a few powerful tricks to boost your recruitment marketing efforts:

  • Build a trustworthy brand that attracts top talent
  • Increase the visibility of your website
  • Improve candidate experience right from the start
  • Establish stronger relationships with candidates through social recruiting
  • Have an employee referral program
  • Host killer recruitment events
  • Be transparent in the way you do business, and what can be expected in the long run
  • Improve the onboarding process to increase new hire satisfaction

✅ Offer Engaging Opportunities to Qualified Candidates

In its current state, the job market isn’t all too favorable. However, some things never change, no matter the business climate, and that is: good candidates will always get cruised by recruiters, regularly. This is a very tricky predicament all recruiters face when looking for a new candidate or trying to keep an old one in-house. So, how do you keep the top talent interested in your company? What is more, how recruiters can help candidates and their companies? 

As a forward-thinking recruiter, you should know that the way to a candidate’s heart is through his interests. On that note, before contacting a candidate, research what makes them happy and keeps them motivated in their job. Do a cross-reference with what your company is offering, and if there’s a match – lead with that. In other words, instead of focusing on what they can do for your company, focus on what the company can offer them.

✅ Become Extremely Data-Centric

If you are candidate, chances are you’ve asked yourself how recruiters screen resumes to get the best candidate, at least once. You may have even done tricks to get recruiters to come to you through LinkedIn (who hasn’t?). Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. But, these days, you may not even need to try as hard.

From a recruiter’s point of view, recruiting and hiring shifted to being all about an intense focus on data and analytics, which is often overwhelming. And while recruitment agencies have started introducing software and apps to help wrangle all of that information, that’s not where things end. Having all that data in hand, it still needs to be converted into real-world results, and this is why recruiters are important. To get the best of the process, focus on the information and metrics your organization needs. 

What are the most common KPIs and metrics that play a role in recruitment and hiring? They are:

  • Time-to-hire
  • Cost-per-hire
  • Candidate engagement
  • Employer ratings
  • Candidate source effectiveness

Having all this information at your disposal, you can use technology to improve your recruiting process. Make better choices about candidates, increase social media outreach, customize your job advertising… you name it! Naturally, streamlining your processes using this information will only work if you understand what it is that your organization needs the most. So, where do you start?

The best way to get things going is by engaging key stakeholders in your company to establish what metrics are the most valued and/or which need the most improvement. With this data, you’ll know how to target your strategy and resources. Having a data-centric attitude will help you build your recruitment rather than analyze every bit of information that comes your way.

✅ Keep up with Economic News

If you are at all following the state of the global economy these days, you know how thriving the economic uncertainty is, and that no one’s spared. With that in mind, predictions say that in 2019, companies will try and do anything in their power to insulate themselves from impending changes which may result in belt-tightening, at least when it comes to hiring. However, that may lead to another thing, too – increasing recruiter efficiency and the company’s ROI.

What does this mean, actually? For recruiters, this could be the perfect opportunity to use data analytics. Since almost every organization is going to be focused on lowering cost-per-hire, having the data that will help you cut out unproductive candidate sources and target advertising spends may easily be the wave of the future. Recruiters for international jobs as well as those for domestic job offerings in Belgrade, Serbia additionally rely on analytics to:

  • Provide solid evidence to support expanding some recruitment channels 
  • Create a strategy or budget based on results
  • Make effective decisions and get buy-in

✅ Hire the Right Recruitment Agency

We are all struggling to find top talent to come work with us (and not leave!), and getting into the process sure poses one of the most challenging hiring obstacles. Still, whatever individual challenges your company is facing, the only way you’ll get to find top talent that sticks around and contributes to your ROI is by hiring people who know how to source them. Although keeping a tight ship (financially) is the mantra in almost every office these days, relying on a recruitment agency to find people that fit your organization is not an expense; it’s an investment.

But, what recruitment agency to use? Better yet – how to spot a good recruiter from a bad one? If you are looking for a recruitment agency internationally, check out the list of agencies with the best client and company feedbacks. Go by recommendation, as well. If you are searching locally, one of the best recruitment agencies in Belgrade, Serbia is Omnes Group. The company has a long-standing tradition in shaking off the status quo, following hiring trends, and always being ready to adapt to both the employer and the market.

Aside from helping out with recruiting, Omnes works on raising awareness on multiple “trending” issues on the business front and hopes to educate those they work with. Talk to our recruiters, and you’ll get info on everything from how to reduce bias in technical screening to the best tips on how to hire a JavaScript developer.

A Few More Words 

These days, hiring talents seems to be harder than ever, but with the right approach, nothing has to be as dramatic as it appears to be. Take the advice above as solid guide-posts to overcome the most familiar hiring troubles and get your talents to come and stay.