Do you like firing people? Well, nobody does. It’s uncomfortable for both sides, it takes time to find another IT professional, and involves costs. Moreover, annual cost for an empty seat of a fired technical professional is 2 times’ salary. But what if you make the same mistake again and hire somebody who you will have to replace after a few months. Disaster!
- Start for a moment. What mistakes have you made when hiring before? Have your employee lied in a resume, lacked skills and experience, or it just wasn’t the right fit? Admit it to yourself and think about how you can improve the hiring process. If you don’t learn your lesson now, it will keep returning to your life.
The hiring process is hard for both hiring managers and potential employees. It’s time to stop this nonsense and make the hiring process better for everyone. Making the same mistakes over and over again won’t get your company anywhere, so open your mind and start thinking about improvements.
Tips for IT Recruitment: How to make hiring process better?
You made a mistake, but it’s time to move on. Let’s improve hiring process together!
1. Create an accurate job description
The first rule is to be accurate and honest in your advertisement. After you make sure that you are, you can think about tips that can help you attract candidates. The job description will send candidates a message about the company, so you better make a good first impression. Here are some tips:
- Use a clear job title
- Describe tasks
- Talk about offerings and benefits
- “Sell” your the job and company
- Speak directly to candidates
- Skip jargon and confusing phrases
Further, it’s time to stop being unrealistic. Identify what’s required and what can be learned on the job. Include must-have skills in your ads, but also put experience or skills that will be considered as a plus. Don’t oversell the position. Remember, it’s also important what you can offer to your potential employee. It’s hard to find a great senior developer so you may have to sell the job opportunity to them.
2. Use technical screening services
When you don’t have time to deal with the hiring process, the best decision you can make is to let someone else handle it. But not just anyone! You should rely on a professional from the IT industry who can understand your company’s requirements and ask technical interview questions. Nowadays, everyone screen candidates over the phone or in person, but not every recruiter can handle a technical interview. Technical screening services can save you both time and money. After IT recruitment agency interview few candidates, they will send clear and objective insight about the top candidates to the company. That means that you will meet only the best candidates who are worth your attention. Any company in search of tech talents might use this type of help with easing selection and hiring process.

3. Avoid unconscious bias
An argument “I don’t like him/her” isn’t relevant! Before you make a decision based on your unconscious opinion, think again! People sometimes unwittingly discriminate against certain candidates in favor of people who share your background, ethnicity, social class, age, or gender.
Your decision to hire someone has to be based on their technical skills. If you can rely on yourself, reduce unconscious bias by using technical screening services that we mentioned before. Once a resume is rejected for biased reasons, that candidate is lost forever. Biases can also shape a company or industry’s culture and norms. Luckily, there are IT recruiters who know how to do employment screening without having bias.
6 Reasons Why IT Companies Need Technical Screening
4. Narrow down the number of candidates
Once you put together a list of essential skills and abilities, you can quickly eliminate candidates who don’t meet all these requirements. This will help you make your list shorter. Everyone who is involved in employment screening should be informed about requirements for the job, whether it is IT recruitment company or hiring manager who is involved in the process.
5. Hire a confident and skilled person
This might be a tricky topic for you, but let’s get straight to the point. Here is a question for you:
- Would you rather hire A-level players who know more than you, or you’re more comfortable with hiring C-level players who are below your skills?
Be honest with yourself. Don’t be afraid of taking on someone who is confident or talented. If you want your company to grow, you will have to face the fact that you can’t know everything. It’s simply not possible. That’s why you want to hire a person you can rely on. Moreover, you can learn from the new employee, improve your skills, and boost your company’s growth.
When it comes to candidates that are more qualified than you required in a job description, you shouldn’t just reject them. Maybe you’re afraid that they’re going to get bored and leave the company, but perhaps this person can help you improve your company by staying there just for a few months. They may have a significant influence on a team, and you will have time to find a way to keep this overqualified employee in a company.
6. Don’t rush the hire
It’s hard when a company finds itself with an urgent need to hire a key employee, but that happens to everyone, whether because current staff is overextended or because the key player decided to leave the company.
- The situation when you want to hire someone immediately – this is when the most costly hiring mistakes can occur.
This kind of situation can cause anxiety, so hiring managers sometimes overlook the flaws in potential candidates and end up hiring someone who really doesn’t fill the bill. Just because you’re in a hurry, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t check basic things such as references and test their skills and personality. Candidates may look perfect in a resume, but that doesn’t mean that they were telling the truth.

Sometimes it’s better to hire a freelancer to finish a job than to hire someone who isn’t the best choice for the company. Just think about how much time and money will you waste on the onboarding, only to find that he/she is not up to the job. After a few months, you will have to repeat this process with another person.
7. Prepare an interview
Benjamin Franklin supposedly once said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” When you don’t plan your interview, you’re simply having a conversation. That means that there are bias involved! So, make a list of interview questions, plane the interview, and remember requirements for a job. Also, avoid “Yes” and “No” questions because they won’t tell you anything about the candidate.
Conclusion: Invest your time in recruitment or hire professional to do the job
If you decide to handle pre-employment screening on your own then you have to be fully committed to the role. Avoid too much subjectivity, focus on a candidate’s verifiable qualifications, and make a plan for hiring. This will help you avoid common mistakes and attain better ratios of hiring success. Hiring process usually takes time and involves costs, so think twice before you make this decision
If you don’t have time to commit to this task, you can always rely on professionals to handle pre-employment screening. Omnes will rate your candidate’s overall technical knowledge to help you reduce time-per-hire and lower opportunity costs.